Thursday, 6 January 2011


I have a label.

Well, I suppose it is technically another label because I already have quite a collection. I am a Christian, a husband, a father, an ordinand... I'm white, british, middle class, state educated, university educated... I'm a preacher, a worship leader, a teacher but I'm also a listener, a worshipper, a student and a son of the King... I'm a forgiven sinner, a friend of God, I am nothing but he is all that lives in me... And now to add to that, I am dyslexic.

What has been suggested in the past, what others have been sceptical of and what no-one ever bothered to consider about me in the past ("he's bright, but he's lazy") was confirmed yesterday by an educational psychologist.

But what now? Does this change anything? I don't suppose any labels actually change the real world, just because I have a label doesn't mean that it defines me or my actions. Yes, I might be called a father and that might be technically true, but that doesn't immediately mean that I know how to or am able to act like a father. That takes grace, patience, perseverance, repentance, acceptance, inspiration, education and a whole lot more.

Ironically I feel like the next step is to read! I want to find out what in my world is the same as it is for other and what is different. I want to learn how I can function more effectively in the tasks that I have before me. I also wonder whether God heals dyslexics? I wonder whether I truly want that or am I hoping that this might make my life easier. Life isn't easy, it's not supposed to be.

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