'whether' you worship, but 'what' do you worship. You can either
Worship the God in whose image you were made, who lived and died
because he loves you and so that you might live a life of freedom in
relationship with Him. Or you could worship your possessions, your
job, your friends, your family the list goes on.
Want to answer the question for yourself? Well look at your life and
ask "what do I sacrifice things for?" because true worship involves
sacrifice. If you sacrifice relationships because you are 'too' busy
at work then you worship your job - that doesn't sound fulfilling?!
As I was walking in the rain with God this afternoon I saw this sign:
Worship is for God and God alone! We do not worship because of what we might receive but because he is worthy or all our praise, all our adoration and all our lives. That's what makes him God!